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Card Systems

Heartland WaveRider

Card Systems allow residents to operate laundry equipment using credit and/or debit cards, as well as re-loadable value cards.

Card systems create a safer, more convenient experience for residents over traditional coin-based laundry solutions. Residents don’t have to carry change with them or burden property management staff for quarters. Machines with money in them can be a security or injury risk for collection staff.

Depending on the infrastructure that exists in a laundry room, various options may be explored:

Heartland Payment Systems
Heartland WaveRider credit card readers are attached directly to washers and dryers, and will process any valid credit or debit card to operate. When used with the WaveRider app and a smart phone, customers receive text alerts and notifications when laundry is done.

Kiosoft Value Reload Station

Cash-to-Card (CTC) systems dispense re-loadable “smart” cards to activate machines. Customers reload cards by depositing money into a centrally located machine or Code-Based Revalue (CBR) Station (typically installed in the leasing office or other secure location). CBR machines allow residents to re-load smart cards using the Heartland website and a 6-digit code.